Family Photo Shoot Gran Canaria — Pregnancy |
Family Photo Shoot Gran Canaria — Pregnancy |
Family Photo Shoot Gran Canaria — Pregnancy |
Family Photo Shoot Gran Canaria — Pregnancy |

Family photography

Gran Canaria Island

A family photo from a family vacation is a nice memory that will last through decades. Family photos taken in childhood are important memories that are never thrown away. The best photos even end up on the wall of your home.

Family and Pregnancy Photography in Gran Canaria: Available across the entire island, including Meloneras (also hotel zone), Maspalomas, Puerto Rico, Puerto de Mogán, and Taurito, with local photographer Slavik.

Has a new member born into your family? What would be better gift for grandparents than a happy family photo? Pregnancy photos are unique and important memories for future parents.

It is not unusual that the family doesn’t have any high-quality family photos at all. They haven’t been taken for some reason. A good family photo doesn’t have to be a stiff old fashioned studio photo, but it can be a relaxed picture taken in a pleasant setting, in which all family members have a nice feeling.

Or is the whole family coming for a holiday to Gran Canaria? A high-quality photo on the waterfront boulevard is a nice memory for the family.

Good feeling

The beautiful scenery of Gran Canaria is the perfect setting for positive family photos and atmospheric pregnancy photos. The light and subtropical climate of the Canary Islands allows shooting at any time of the year.

Questions and answers

Where to take a family photo?

Family photography can be shot anywhere on the island, e.g. in the hotel area, in the park, on the beach or even in the dunes of Maspalomas. The quiet beach of El Confital is also atmospheric setting for pregnancy photos, where the skyline of Las Palmas is visible in the background.

How to dress up in a family photo?

You can dress up whatever you want, style is a matter of taste! However, the best result is often achieved if the looks are harmonious for all family members. E.g. everyone dresses up in casual / more festive style / sportswear. So you should think about the style in advance so the big picture will be harmonious.

Can you get a family photo with children who find it hard to stay still?

Yes, you can. If there are many lively children in the family, the shooting is more challenging. Sometimes it takes a little more time.

How to be in a pregnancy photo or a family photo?

If you’re not used to being photographed, you don’t have to be nervous. I’ll give instructions and ideas on how to set yourself in the picture, where to put your hands, where to look, etc.

How much does a family or pregnancy photography cost?

Since the price level in the Canary Islands is generally cheaper than in Finland, photography is also cheaper. The price list shows the current prices.

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